Report to:

Pension Board


Date of meeting:


16 November 2020


Chief Finance Officer



Work Programme



To agree the Board’s work programme


The Board is recommended to agree its work programme attached as appendix 1.


1          Background & Supporting information

1.1       The work programme contains the proposed agenda items for future Pension Board and Pension Committee meetings over the next year and beyond. It is included on the agenda for each Board meeting.

1.2     The work programme also provides an update on other work going on outside the Board and Committee’s main meetings including working groups  and a list of any actions requested by the Board or Committee.

1.3       The inclusion of the Committee’s work programme allows the Board to see what work the Committee will be undertaking, which will help it in its role to assist the Committee.

2          Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

2.1       The work programme sets out the Board’s work both during formal meetings and outside of them. The Board is recommended to consider and agree the updated work programme.



Chief Finance Officer




Contact Officer:

Sian Kunert, Head of Pensions

Tel. No.

